And on that farm he had a fish

Hello! Lena here, staff writer at Modern Farmer.

A pivotal moment early in my journalism career happened standing on a dock in North Carolina. I was talking to an oyster farmer about her work, all while she shucked oysters for a nearby restaurant’s evening menu. While watching her hard work become someone’s dinner, something clicked for me. Seafood became one of my main focuses as a writer; there are few things I love more than a good fish story. 

Contributor Eric J. Wallace brings us that good fish story this week. The scene is set in an abandoned US Department of Interior fish hatchery in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. The leading characters are thousands of trout and their steward, an aquaculturist determined to treat the fish and the environment well. I hope you like it.

Photography via Smoke in Chimneys

Also fresh this week

Photo courtesy of Jennifer Grayson

Author Jennifer Grayson embedded herself in a training program for new farmers.

Photo by Pat Whalen

This gardener swapped parts of her lawn for native plants that feed pollinators and wildlife.

Photo from Shutterstock, Mosa Meat

The move to criminalize cultivated protein has more to do with politics than science. Via Sentient Media.

Speaking of fish. We’re working on more seafood coverage for you in the coming months and we want to know what’s important to you. What questions do you have about seafood? Do you want to know more about aquaculture? Do you have environmental or social concerns about the seafood industry? We want to hear it all. Email me.

Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you next week!


Community Action Corner

In the course of our reporting, we come across great pieces of actionable advice from our community. Each week we are featuring an action, resource, or extra to help you support a more equitable and resilient food system.

Weekly Action | Trying to support pollinators and want to know what plants are native to your area? Plug your zip code into the Audubon Native Plants Database to find out.

Hungry for more? Check out the Modern Farmer Solutions Hub for more actionable advice and resources.